WorkShops (Workshop is every Special Session with more than 10 articles), Minisymposium (Workshop is every Special Session with more than 25 articles)
We would like to invite you to organize a Special Session, Workshop, Minisymposium for CSCC
* The title of your Special Session, Workshop, Minisymposium
* The name, affiliation, mailing address and e-mail address(es) of the proposer(s)
* The aim of your Session , Workshop, Minisymposium (not exceeding 80 words)
* Topics of your Session, Workshop, Minisymposium
Benefits for successful session (workshop or Minisymposium) organizer*
A Honorarium for the Special Issue organizer (i.e. Guest Editor) provided that his Special Issue will collect a minimum of 5 registered papers
He can use this Honorarium to travel to Greece in 2023!
2. Successful Special Session organizers will be included in the Steering Committee of CSCC 2024.
3. Successful Special Session organizers will receive a volume in Hard Copy of the Proceedings of our previous conferences.
4. Successful Special Session organizers will receive a Certificate for the organization of their Special Session by the General Chairman.
5. Successful Session organizers will be elevated to Plenary Speakers for our conferences of 2024
6. Their sessions and their names will appear on the web.
If the authors have already uploaded the same papers independently via the web, then, these papers cannot be considered for your Special Session, Workshop, Minisymposium.
Proposals for Special Session, Workshop, Minisymposium will be sent to Reviewers for peer review and can be accepted or rejected.
1) Title:
Informatics in Control Theory and its Applications
Organizer-Chairman: Professor Vladimír Vašek
Faculty of Applied Informatics, Tomas Baťa University in Zlín, Nad Stráněmi 4511, 76005 Zlín, Czech Republic
E-mail: [email protected]
In system, control, or process engineering, devices like PLC, IPC, microcontroller kits or intelligent computer boards with advanced operating systems constitute an integral part of manufacturing and industrial processes. Advances in the theory of informatics have not been fully implemented in process control design until recently. However, many complex technological processes such as nonlinear, delayed, non-minimum phase ones, multidimensional or hybrid ones are hardly controllable by conventional control methods. Therefore, advanced modern control strategies have been investigated to deal with those problems. These methodologies, however, requires the utilization of elements of optimization or artificial intelligence. From this perspective, both, theoretical and application, contributions combining the informatics and system (control) issues are useful and desirable and highly welcome for the special session.
- Modeling and identification
- Control design
- Process control
- Process engineering
- Microcontrollers and programmable logic controllers
- Programming for system and control engineering
- Time delay, nonlinear, and multidimensional systems
- Predictive, adaptive, robust, multimodel, optimal and other advanced control methods
- Artificial intelligence
- Neural networks and genetic algorithms
- Fuzzy logic methods
- Deterministic chaos
- Applied informatics and control applications
- Advanced Diagnostic and Measuring Systems
- Robotics
- Intelligent production systems
- Intelligent buildings systems
- Embedded systems
2) Title:
Software Engineering Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligent and Data Science (AI-SE-DS)
Organizer-Chairman: Professor Mohammed Akour,
Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, KSA
E-mail: [email protected]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science (DS) show great capabilities in providing optimal solutions in the diverse research areas. More and more challenges are manifested in the last decade because of the booming in the technological development paradigms.
Software Engineering (SE) is considered as one of mainly affected area in this context, as its implication is now manifold in all research areas from designing and planning to maintenance and continuous enhancement.
This expansion of scope for SE has led to search for AI and DS solutions and improvements for achieves software automation and optimization. Moreover, the rapid growth of employing machine learning and artificial intelligence, lead to utilize software engineering methodologies and techniques striving for better efficiency and effectiveness. This special issue will not address the application and the solutions of AI and Data Science methodologies to SE challenges but also the utilization of SE methodologies and techniques to AI challenges as well. Recently, intelligent software engineering successfully brings noticeable attention in AI, DS and software engineering researchers.
The Special session on Software Engineering, DS and AI is an initiative to address several thoughts and challenges that are tackled by software engineers. This special issue will bring together researchers, students and industry experts from diverse areas who can provide a real contribution in any aspect that related to application of DS and AI in software engineering domain.
- AI and DS for software engineering automation
- Leveraging AI and DS in requirements Engineering
- AI and DS based software architecture knowledge extraction
- Software faults detection improvement using AI and DS
- AI and DS based models for software artifacts’ quality evaluation
- AI and DS based computer assisted coding
- AI and DS assisted Software Debugging and Testing
- Application of AI and DS to Program Analysis
- Application of AI and DS to Software Documentation & Summarization
- Application of AI and DS in Software Maintenance
- Application of AI and DS to Software Optimization
- Advancement in technologies of AI and DS for SE
- AI and DS based Tools for software engineering
- AI and DS for Software Traceability
- AI and DS in Quality Assessment and Improvement
- AI and DS for Software Reverse Engineering
- AI and DS for modeling in software engineering
3) Title:
Logical Relationships Between Systems and Networks
Organizer-Chairman: Professor Emil Dinga,
Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: [email protected]
The Aim of this Special Session is to provide an International forum for Discussion on the Logical Relationships Between Systems and Networks
- Principles of emerging for systems and networks
- Entropic marks of systems and networks
- Systems of systems, systems of networks, networks of systems, networks of networks
- Fractality and passing of systems to networks
- Constructal law in networks emerging
- Co-evolution systems – networks
- Autopoietic systems and autopoietic networks
- Stability sufficient prerequisites for systems and networks
- Quasi-systems and quasi-networks
- Information and behaviour in systems and networks
4) Title:
Micro- Phasor Measurement Unit and its Applications in Smart Grid
Organizer-Chairman: Professor Hamid Bentarzi,
Power and control Dep., IGEE, University of Boumerdes, Algeria
E-mail: [email protected]
In a smart power grid integrating Renewable Energy Systems, conventional monitoring, control and protection systems based on local independent measurements and decisions are not able to consider the overall power grid disturbances and then they are not able to avoid the blackout. The introduction of the advanced synchro-phasor measurement and communication technologies in these power grids may provide better ways to detect and control rapidly these disturbances and hence protect the overall grid from the propagation of the fast-cascading outages.
This session hosts innovative contributions on Micro-Phasor Measurement Units (MPMUs) and its applications in smart power grid including Renewable Energy Systems (RES) aimed at fulfilling recent standards and specifications while ensuring full observation during normal and abnormal conditions, thanks to an innovative exploitation of GPS and technological advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering.
Therefore, based on the extended applications of the Micro-Phasor Measurement Units (MPMUs) in a smart power grid integrating RES, the proposed Special Session is aimed at hosting papers providing innovative contributions on the following topics.
- Micro-Phasor Measurement Units (MPMUs)
- Synchro-phasor measurement in power grid
- Smart grid performance enhancement using MPMUs
- Monitoring, protection and control system based on MPMU
- Operation and control optimization of smart power grids using MPMUs
- MPMU placements optimization
- Technological advances in communications associated with MPMUs
5) Title:
Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT)
Organizer-Chairman: Professor Ismail Yusuf Panessai,
Department of Computer Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Ar-Rahmah, Bintan, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is a combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure. AIoT's goal is to create more efficient IoT operations, improve human-machine interaction, and improve data management and analytics. AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems, and is typically used in natural language processing, speech recognition and machine vision. While, IoT is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines or objects with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. AIoT is transformational and mutually beneficial for both types of technology, as AI adds value to IoT through machine learning capabilities and improved decision-making processes, while IoT adds value to AI through connectivity, signaling and data exchange. In AIoT AI enables the IoT device to use gathered big data to better analyze, learn and make decisions without the need for a human.
- AIoT including but not limited to Smart Cities
- Smart Retail
- Smart Home
- Enterprise and Industrial
- Social Media and Human Resources
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Autonomous Delivery Robots
- Healthcare