* For Publication in the Conference Proceedings by Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and for indexing in Web of Science (ISI, SCIE), Scopus, EI Compendex, etc (after peer review), with 2 Coffee-breaks per day and Banquet:
310 EUR (for registration until December 31, 2022) or 620 EUR (for registration after December 31, 2022)
* For Publication in Journals indexed in Scopus : 620 EUR (after peer review). Contact us to inform you about the Journal.
Banquet: We have arranged a Banquet for all of you on July 20, 21:00
Refund Policy:
Until December 31, 2022, 50% of the registration fees are refundable
After December 31, 2022, no refund is possible
A long 27-year history of CSCC with the moste famous and pioneer Plenary Speakers...
We would like to invite you to organize a Special Session, Workshop, Minisymposium for CSCC...
The Proceedings of the previous CSCC Conferences have been evaluated and have been included in ISI, SCOPUS, EI Compendex,...
How to organize your trip. Where to stay. About the Congress Center ...
CSCC is a World Forum on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers with long history (see below)...
Circuits, Systems, Control, Power, Signal Processing, Communications, Computers, Engineering Education, ....
Proceedings of the Previous Years with MATEC and CPS...
All submitted papers are subject to strict peer-review process by at least three international reviewers. The list of all the reviewers will be available in the Proceedings ...